Membership Eligibility

Scientists, Researchers, Educators & Industry Professionals.

Universities, Research/Educational Institutes, Societies & Associations.

Industries, Companies & Corporations.

Membership Duration

Duration (5 Years )
Fees : 5000 INR ; 200 USD

Duration (3 Years )
Fees : 4000 INR ; 150 USD

Duration ( 1 Year )
Fees : 3000 INR ; 100 USD

About Membership

Welcomes Academicians, Professionals, Researchers, Students, Institutes and tutorial Organizations to be a section and be a member of our PUBLICATION. Global Journal of Research Publication offers a wonderful chance for networking with alternative members.

Membership Benefits

  • Members are going to be highlighted on the Official web site as our Prestigious Members.
  • Members shall receive a Prestigious Membership Certificate that is crucial for tutorial and skilled improvement.
  • Members will apply for tutorial and Research Awards with no registration fee.
  • Members can get weightage to become Editor in our National/International journals.
  • Members are exempted from 50% registration for all National and International Seminar / Conferences in coming days.
  • Members will be privileged to host the National / International Conference at their own place / country with collaboration.
  • Regular updates regarding coming International / National conferences, Workshops and school Development Programs (FDPs)
  • Members can even suggest complimentary Publications to anybody of their references.
  • 50% Publication fee of articles in any of the Gjr Journals.

[ International Membership can be applied for Half-Yearly / Annual / Three Yearly / Five Yearly / Life Time basis ]

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